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Thinking Makes It So…

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There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” From Hamlet   -William Shakespeare

What Shakespeare was ultimately  saying here is that in our experience of reality it is our thinking that determines good from bad and wrong from right… and more significantly it is our thinking that determines what we experience as good or bad.

If this is the case, which I believe it is, our sole discretion then should be to align our thinking as best as is possible with the Universal Principles of Creation.  The principles that underly its enhancement and progression: like growth, learning, love, contribution. Whatever positively advances, or appears to advance, creation therefore we could define as “good” and what doesn’t we could therefore define as “bad”.  

But even trying to figure this out can be difficult, in which case we can rely on our feelings… our feelings are the indicators that have been wired into us by creation like internal traffic lights: stop, continue, or take a pause.  As Abraham Lincoln once said: when I do good I feel good, when I do bad I feel bad, and that is my only religion.  But in order to do this we have to be in touch with our feelings (or intuition) and for most of us that requires practice: practice listening to our feelings and honoring them.